Mousing around: A Disney singalong Adventure
Written by
Lauren Simpkins & Aaron Blackledge
Directed by
Performed at
Aaron Blackledge
Gryphon Theatre
Produced by
Kapitall Kids Theatre

Directing, Lighting
Mousing Around is an interactive Disney concert for kids and adults alike. Join the performers and live band in over 18 numbers from singalongs to showstoppers; from Cinderella and Mary Poppins to Frozen and Moana.
“Director Aaron Blackledge and musical director Lauren Simpkins have hit on a great concept to creatively weave about 25 songs from the Disney movie musical catalogue together.”
- Jo Hodgkins, Theatreview
Whether it's during the day with little ones or at night with nostalgic friends, Mousing Around will tell three stories around the themes respect, friendship, and dreams.
Production Team
Created by
Aaron Blackledge & Lauren Simpskin
Natalie Wilson
Aaron Blackledge
Music Director
Lauren Simpskin
Ellie Stewart
Hamish Boyle
Catherine Zuler
Will Collins